Every night, I go to bed with every intention of waking up like f***king Mary Poppins and shit. I envision rising early, cooking a wonderful breakfast, sweetly kissing the SBF, and crawling into bed to snuggle with the Divas. I hear birds chirping. The sun is shining into the kitchen and the warmth from the sun puts a smile on my face. I pray for this "beautiful kind of morning" every night.
Instead, I wake up to Miss B pulling my eye mask off while stepping into my ribs with her cold ass feet and whining "I'm hungryyyyyyyyy. Wake upppppppp". She then proceeds to re-enter the womb literally. She lays on top of me and and rubs my arm, leg, stomach, navel, and face. Sounds so cute...but after 5 minutes of this, I find myself slapping her hand away. I swear I only breastfed her a year. The skin to skin contact that she requires from me daily would make one think she is still on the "tit". I pull my eye mask back over my eyes and pray for numbness all over my body. Minutes later, the middle Diva comes in and wedges herself between me and the SBF. I finally kick off all the covers while screaming..."okayyyyyyyyyy" and I stomp to the kitchen to prepare pop tarts. Screw pancakes. Screw homemade biscuits and bacon. By the time coffee is ready, I just want to pour the whole pot over my damn head. All the Divas manage to make it into the kitchen in just enough time to fight over one of the eight chairs in our kitchen, the special pink plate, and certain cups. I look out my kitchen windows and find myself wanting to run away. But, I don't and won't because I love the shit out of each one of them. They possess my soul. So, I look back at them and give a half ass smile. I walk to the living room to find the longest show they can watch and I crawl back in bed. I attempt to bury myself under the covers. The SBF and I then began a nasty game of who will ignore them the longest by refusing to get out of bed.
I have TMS which has lead to some shitty mom behaviors. I give them the answers to their homework. I let them eat snacks for dinner. I let them watch the same movie two times in a row. I zone out when they are talking to me. I pretend their flips and cartwheels are fabulous. I buy them shit hoping it will give me a good hour of free time. I don't like playing with them. I have resorted to using my ear buds as earplugs. I wait until bedtime to throw their toys away. I lie to them. I threaten. I bribe. I scream. I curse. I lose my patience. I have said "Well, hit her back!!"

during happy hour. I crave sleeping in without any guilt. I crave dirty music. I crave champagne and dancing. I crave being selfish. I crave having the SBF all to myself.
The last girls trip that I took, I was shocked to come home somewhat frustrated. I had a fabulous time. Weird how I found myself frustrated with the smidgen of freedom I had possessed for a mere 24 hours. Instead of being refreshed, I wanted more of it. It was like a drug. Then the guilt sets in and I question my decision to be a mother. Shit....wth?????? I immediately ask God for forgiveness for these thoughts.

It never fails that when the dust settles, the fighting ceases, and the crying ends. Out of nowhere, Miss B screams from the playroom or whatever room she is completely destroying...."I love you, everybody." And in unison, we all say "I love you, everybody" from wherever we are.
And for five seconds, it is well with my soul. I realize I am doing the best I can. I realize I am loved immensely. I realize that no matter what syndrome I am suffering from there is an unconditional love present that I am blessed to receive. No matter how much I think I am screwing shit up...there is love in this house. Amidst the banshee screams, dysfunctional conversations, inappropriate words, cat fights, and emotional breakdowns....
We love hard in this house.
you are awesome!