homework, crafting, reading, I am trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.
For the majority of mothers, this is more of an "And now what...." blog. You have survived someone feeding off of you for almost 10 months. You have survived the sleep deprivation and depression that visits the first year. This blog is a humorous chronicle and honest perspective of the daily ins and outs of being a single mother....the stuff they don't tell you about in books because it's too scary, the things most people are thinking but can't say it out loud, and the confessions we don't want to say aloud for we fear we will be judged.
My journey through out motherhood has been quite interesting to say the least. Over the last ten years, I have had three precious daughters and everything listed in the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting or What to Expect The First Year. 24 weeker born at 1 lb 8 oz…check. Two cervical cerclages…check. One ectopic pregnancy…check. Wet tap…check. Epidural that didn’t take…check. Two episiotomies…check. Early contractions treated by the crack drug Brethazene…check. Bed rest…check. Hemorrhoids the size of footballs…check. Breastfeeding psychosis…check. Bleeding breasts…check. Thrush on my nipples…check. Clogged mild ducts…check. Colicky baby…check. Reflux baby…check. Sciatic nerve…check. Vomiting episodes that lasted the entire 9 months…check. Vomiting every time I crowned…check. Jaundiced babies…check. Babies that breastfed every hour and a half for the first year of their life…check. Babies that never used pacifiers…check. Babies that starved themselves until I got home from work to breastfeed… check. Babies that never slept through the night their first year of life…check. Constipated babies…check. Asthma babies…check. Bowlegged and pigeon toed babies…check. Babies that were always in the 5th percentile...check. Massive cradle cap babies…check. Eczema baby…check. Baby acne…check. Post partum depression…check. Fear of the night…check. Massive hair loss…check. Baby that spent two Christmases in a row in the hospital due to pneumonia…check. Food poisoning resulting in hospitalization while pregnant…check. Babies who did not get their first tooth until 15 months old…check. Baby with labial fusion…check. Never being able to tell when I am in labor…check. Shitting on the table during labor…check. Flatulence and incontinence…check. Getting pregnant while on the pill…check. Not to mention having my big toe amputated due to melanoma...check. Getting struck by lightning while on my laptop during a thunderstorm...check. Let my career go to shit...check. Divorced...check.
I have survived all of that and now find myself at the "and, now what..." stage. Long gone are the diapers and pacifiers. I am just getting into the good stuff....raising children and maintaining my sanity.
Check out my interview in our local magazine!
Timeka, you are hillarious...Larry from @ work.