Friday, July 5, 2013

..."deuces Destin"

We are packed up and heading home. And I think the damn rain is following us. I have not seen the sun since Tuesday. I think my mood is affected by the weather because I am trying to not have a shit fit in the car. 

Miss B and I just woke up from a 2 hr nap. We spent the first 10 mins of the ride home trying to convince the SBF that we could indeed feel the damn raindrops coming through the opened sunroof. He claimed he needed fresh air...uhm open your f____g window. Now, he has Nina Simone blasting and driving my SUV like he's at NASCAR. I love some Nina, but I don't think it's helping the depression I am feeling over my break up with Destin. 

Yep...lost another love in my life. Destin and I are on a "break". He's moody, turbulent, and selfish. I know it will take just a few days and he will make his way back into my heart. He was such a shitty companion this week....what happened to my laid back, go with the flow Destin? I just did not recognize him.

Miss B informed us that we did not go to Destin. Destin is the beach. She only saw the beach on Mon & Tues. I don't know where she thinks we have been all week, but definitely not Destin. Overall, the kids took it better than I did. I tried to hide my frustration. The beach is a sacred place. I have never seen it like dark and unwelcoming. Hell, it made me question myself. Am I a troubled soul? Am I having an internal conflict...hell yes, always!  But what was it this time? I don't have much time or medication left to be too reflective. Josh is singing to the top of his lungs..."my name is Peaches" (f____g weirdo). 

I am sporting my "twerk" tank top. Miss B is talking about she just saw a goat (hallucinating just like her damn daddy???). The other two are unconscious. I look at my car full of unicorn pillow pets, puppy dog blankets, unbathed stinky children, and garbage and it reminds me of Destin. Shockingly beautiful most of the time, but has a nasty side. 

The SBF just said "I took the wrong turn." He let the atlas go and is using the GPS. Well the GPS is on, but our destination is not entered. Dumb ass just made a U turn in the road. Just like the ocean...this SUV full of crazy people may have some shitty ways, but they have my heart and soul. I'm drawn to their beauty and their darkness. 

And I am like the GPS....trying to lead these assholes the right way, but instead they don't listen. They take their own route and force me to come up with an alternative for them.....bastards. 

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