Thursday, June 6, 2013

...Throwback Thursday

Confession: I am a fan of throwback Thursday. I am overcome with nostalgia when I look at old photos, emails, and journal entries. It may seem that you are holding on to the past as if it is better than what is present, but I think it is good for the soul. So today I will not post a picture (don't worry those will surely surface soon enough), but instead share an email I sent to several friends titled "Confessions of a Mother"....

April 5, 2008:

I am awake at 11 pm on a Tuesday nite and I find myself searching for something. The only thing that seems to bring me some sort of comfort is looking at the CHEAPEST DAMN PLANE TICKET to get the hell out of oxford. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and children. But that have got me F***** up!! If Farryn puts her toothbrush in the toilet one more damn time and then proceeds to come to me detailing how she brushed her teeth with the blue toilet water, I am going to punch her in her face. If Reagan decides to run face first into a door (that is in plain view) and then proceed to fly back like some shit off the matrix b/c she hit the door that hard, I am going to have her tested. I mean really.. I know she probably has a concussion, but open your eyes!!!!! If my husband ever decides to take it upon himself to erase Goodnite Moon from out tivo list after coming home when I have been at home with two sick and twisted kids all day and make a smart ass comment about the house being dirty, I will serve him papers. I have found myself giving them the "finger" behind their backs all day. I hope this has not offended anyone. If so judge cautiously, I secretly find satisfaction in knowing your day will come. It happens to the best of us. I love them dearly. I just don't like them all of the time. I don't like having my ass smelled by a little two year old when I am getting out of the shower. I don't like having to convince my five year old that they do have my skin color in the damn crayola box. She likes to leave me blank. I don't like the fact that somebody made a mistake and told Josh that he knows what the hell he is talking about and that he decided to believe their dumb asses. Again don't be mistaken, I think they are each little "jolts" of fresh air that bring life to my soul, but sometimes I just get damn choked.

Take a trip down memory lane today, you may find something absolutely funny waiting for you. And if you have time, comment and share those moments....

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