Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I was having a pretty good day at work today. I got my paperwork turned in, tested some ears, returned emails....basically a productive day. To top that off, a young coworker had just finished complementing me on my outfit. So, my happy ass decided to take a short cut via nature trail through the woods to another building. I was feeling good...looking good...and dammit...

My ankle sort of gives out and I rip my damn shoe...in the middle of the woods. Shit! So, I hobbled back to my office and passed the coworker who was now looking at me like wth??

Never have I let having my big toe amputated stop me. I refuse to let it slow me down. I'm not ashamed. It is what it is. So....

Today was no different from any other day. Yep, I taped my shoe together. Technically, my foot is taped to my shoe. Giggle (it's okay to giggle). And as I walk to my car, I will hold my head high so the world may see that "Mama still got it" ...tape and all. Ha!!

Really, the sad part is I could give two shits what it looks like. I actually think it's hilarious to say the least and the best way to get a new pair of shoes out of the SBF. So, if you are having a bad day look at whatever is bringing you down and tell it.......


At least, that's what I chose to do today. This positive thinking may be working after all. 

1 comment:

  1. Timeka,
    It is wonderful to see that someone (much like myself) is not going to let a missing toe slow her style! It was crazy seeing your taped shoe because it seems that is one of the only ways to keep shoes on sometimes. I am very happy that I am able to walk and keep going but I do miss the days of wearing flip flops on the beach! Thanks for the laugh and uplifting spirit!


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